Contact Chris Today!

The quickest way for you to receive your outstanding portrait art is to contact Chris today. Here are a few options to do just that.

By Phone
(253) 941-4200
(800) 481-3550 (Toll-Free)

By Email

Stop In(By Appointment)
1620 S 312th St, Ste B
Federal Way, WA 98003

(We do pretty much everything by appointment these days, so it's best to call or email before stopping by.)

Or you can also use the contact form below!

Chris Leavitt Photography is located in Conifer Square behind the Jack In The Box at the corner of Pacific Highway (Hwy 99) and S. 312th St.  You will find us in the center courtyard to the right of International Teriyaki.

  • Take the Federal Way/ 320th exit from I-5.
  • Turn west at the end of the exit ramp onto 320th.
  • Drive to the traffic light at the middle of SeaTac Mall (The Commons).
  • Turn right onto 20th Ave. S.
  • Drive past Wal-Mart and turn left on S. 312th St.
  • Look for the Conifer Square sign and turn right into our parking lot (just before Jack In The Box).
  • Our entrance is in the courtyard to the right of International Teriyaki.

Chris Leavitt

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